Egyptian Foul Medammas

Traditional Egyptian breakfast dish Foul Medammas served in a bowl, garnished with parsley, red onion, tomato and cucumber.

Egyptian Foul Medammas is a traditional fava bean dish that is popular in Egypt and the Middle East. It is mainly served as part of breakfast and, due to its high protein and fibre content, it is filling for a long time.

The common bean is one of the oldest legumes used by human civilization for the preparation of food. The origins of its consumption by humans date back 10,000 years.

Nutritional values

Dry beans contain up to 28% protein which is almost at the level of soy, B vitamins, folic acid (425 mg/100 g), a large amount of antioxidants. It is also an excellent donor of important iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Here are just a few of its health benefits:

  • Helps treat Parkinson’s disease: beans provide levodopa (L-dopa), which is converted in the body into dopamine – the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasurable feelings and sensations.
  • Reduces the risk of birth defects: it is rich in folic acid, which is necessary for normal embryonic development.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system: In addition to the large amount of antioxidants, broad beans contain compounds that have been shown to increase the ability of the powerful antioxidant glutathione. It also contains copper, which ensures the proper functioning of white blood cells.
  • Helps against constipation: it has up to 25 g of fibre per 100 g of edible part, which helps with bowel movements.
  • It helps against osteoporosis and decalcification of the body: The substances contained in the bean give it an alkalinity that compensates well for the acid-forming foods in our diet. The manganese and copper present in beans have also been shown to prevent bone loss.
  • Anti-anemia: It provides a good dose of iron and, together with folic acid, supports the proper production and maintenance of healthy red blood cells. Beans contain a form of iron that is better absorbed with vitamin C from foods such as citrus fruits or peppers.
  • Prevents high blood pressure: It has magnesium and potassium, which can relax blood vessels and prevent high blood pressure.
  • It can help with excess weight: One cup (170 g) of beans offers 13 g of protein and 9 g of fiber, but only 187 calories. A diet rich in protein and fiber can improve feelings of fullness, which can lead to lower calorie intake and weight loss.

250 g dried beans (get at Kaufland) = 570 g swollen
1 medium onion
3 garlic cloves
2 large tomatoes
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp oregano
salt to taste
juice of 1/2 lime

Ingredients for the vegetable topping:

200 g cherry tomatoes
¼ salad cucumber
1 red onion (you can also omit)
fresh parsley or coriander
½ tsp olive oil (no more)
juice of 1/2 lime
salt and black pepper to taste

Serving: Arabic bread (available in Kaufland, or bake at home).

Procedure for preparing the beans:
  1. First, wash the beans thoroughly and soak them overnight in water so that they swell and soften. Soaking also removes the oligosaccharides that cause bloating.
  2. Then drain the water in which we soaked the beans and wash them well again. Put them in a pot of fresh, unsalted water. Boil until tender, about 2 hours. If you use a pressure cooker, the cooking time will be reduced by about 70% (20-25 minutes).
  3. Add the salt at the end and boil briefly.
  4. Finally, drain the beans and set aside about 0.5 litre of the cooking water.
Preparation procedure Foul:
  1. Caramelize the onion in a dry pot (instructions can be found HERE). When it is almost roasted, add the crushed garlic and fry for a few more minutes.
  2. Add the chopped tomatoes and simmer until they soften and release their juices. Baste with a little of the cooking water from the beans.
  3. Add the cooked beans to the softened tomatoes, season with cumin, oregano and salt. Mash everything with a fork to a thick paste, using an immersion blender if necessary. If the mixture is too thick, add a little water from cooking the beans.
  4. Finally, season the porridge with lime juice and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Add water from cooking the beans as needed.
  5. Set aside the water from cooking the beans for serving or reheating later.

Tip: for a spicier version, you can add hot ground paprika or chilli.

Preparation procedure for vegetable topping:
  1. Cut the cherry tomatoes, cucumber and red onion (if using) into small cubes.
  2. Toss them with chopped parsley or coriander, season with lime juice, olive oil, salt and black pepper.

Serving: serve in bowls, topped with vegetable topping or fresh parsley or cilantro. Traditionally, Egyptian foel is served with Arabic bread, drizzled with olive oil. However, for a healthier version, don’t use olive oil and if you prefer, pour a little of the water we cooked the beans in.

Bon appetit!

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