Our book Diet to health

Chemical food interaction based diets have changed the lives of thousands of diabetics around the world. More are being added every day. The NFI protocol has not only stabilized their type 2 diabetes and ended antidiabetic treatment for many, but has also brought side benefits such as a drop in blood pressure, optimization of cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels and, last but not least, weight loss of more than 20-30 kg.

To assist their efforts to maintain their new lifestyle and especially their health after the NFI protocol, we have teamed up with experts in gastronomy. They have translated the principles of NFI into amazing, delicious to luxurious recipes of every kind, which we are delighted to bring to you in the book Diet to Health.

In addition to recipes for healthy breakfasts, salads, appetizers, entrees, soups, main dishes and desserts, all plant-based, the book provides general information about the NFI protocol and the opinions of both doctors and patients. We hope you’ll appreciate our advice on how to customize each recipe, how to make homemade plant-based drinks and yogurts, what to substitute for eggs in cooking, how to avoid oils, and how to preserve plant pigments in food preparation.

The book Diet to Health was published in September 2022 by Direct press. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the book:

Author: Zuzana Plevová
Recipes: Tomáš Repáš and Zuzana Plevová
Production: Ján Kramár, Zlatica Kramárová
Photos of dishes: Dušan Křístek
Design and graphics: Monika Čákyová
Language proofreading: Andrea Hoštáková

The first page of the contents of Diet to Health with an introduction to the NFI protocol, doctors' and patients' opinions, advice on how to customize your recipe, how to avoid oils, how to preserve plant pigments. And recipes for healthy breakfasts, salads, appetizers, and entrees.
The second page of the Diet to Health book with recipes for healthy soups, main dishes and desserts. With NFI recipes you can conquer type 2 diabetes and lose weight.


The book“Diet to Health” will be available for purchase in electronic form (e-book) no later than the last week of November 2024. We will keep you informed.

Please email us your interest at protocol@nfidiet.sk and we will inform you immediately in case of a reprint.

Thank you to all the sponsors of the first edition of Diet to Health:
Thanks to the sponsors of the first edition of the book Diet to Health by Mgr- Zuzana Pleva, co-author of the NFI protocol.

We have dedicated an entire page in the book to each of the sponsors to showcase their goods and services.

Sponsors' double-page ad in NFI's book Diet to Health. Bio G products - Contour glucose meter, Xprecia Stride, Cube-S, Clinitek STATUS+, actim Fecal Blood and actim CRP.
Preview of a double-page advertisement dedicated as a thank you to the sponsors of the first edition of the book Diet to Health, where they can present their services and products.One page Pohronský Ruskov Mill, the other page Dôvera helps diabetics.
A sample of the sponsors' double-page advertisement in the NFI book Diet to Health. RESPECT SLOVAKIA with insurance services, 3EC with product certification and EPUR with shoes for your health.

Are you close to the field of healthy lifestyle, are you interested in our project of treatment of type 2 diabetes by diet and would you like to support the next edition of the book Diet to Health by sponsorship?

Do not hesitate to contact us.

— Prečo NFI? —

Citát od Hippokrata na hlavnej stránke NFI protokolu "Nech jedlo je vaším liekom a liek je vaším jedlom".

Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.

Pred a po NFI

Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.
Miroslav Z. pred a po NFI protokole - príbeh hudobníka, ktorý sa vďaka NFI protokolu zbavil diabetologickej liečby.
Ako NFI protokol pomohol Miroslavovi Z. zbaviť sa liečby diabetu 2. typu
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole