Articles on the NFI Protocol in periodicals

Thanks to the results that can be achieved using the NFI protocol, it has been in the spotlight of journalists and editors since its birth.

On this page we bring you an overview of the periodicals that have published an article on the NFI Protocol. You will learn about NFI in Q&A’s, patient interviews and interviews with diabetologists. You will learn about the stories of NFI protocol patients, their personal experiences and the results they have achieved. But also much more.

You can read all the NFI Protocol articles back online in their full text in the periodicals. Clicking on the title of an article will redirect you to the archive of the periodical that published that article.

Year 2022 – NFI Protocol Articles

Link to the article of ZP Dôvera with the photo of Mrs. Marta Matisová, NFI patient. Ms Marta describes her experience with the NFI protocol, which she went into thanks to the Dôvera helps diabetics program.
ZP Dôvera – May 2022
The cover story of the periodical Diabetic 03-04/2022, which featured articles on the NFI protocol: A diet program that will improve glycemic control and Tips and tricks to smoothly sail through the NFI protocol.
Diabetik – March 2022 (p.28)
The cover story of the periodical Diabetic 03-04/2022, which featured articles on the NFI protocol: A diet program that will improve glycemic control and Tips and tricks to smoothly sail through the NFI protocol.
Diabetik – March 2022 (pages 29 – 31)
Cover of Bedeker Health magazine January-February 2022 with a photo of diabetes specialist MUDr. Lejavova, who talks about healthy lifestyle and NFI protocol in the published article.
Bedeker Health – January 2022

Year 2021 – NFI in periodicals

The front page of the weekly magazine THEME, issue 38/2021 as a link to a published article on the NFI protocol titled Tailored Diet: You can eat any amount and not starve. The average weight loss is 17 pounds
THEME (Issue 38/2021) / pp.: 8-16
DIA Spectrum magazine cover 1/2020 with a link to the full pdf magazine. On pages 9-10 an article titled NFI protocol, questions and answers.
DIA Spectrum (Special Issue Feb. 2021) / pp.: 18-21

Year 2020 – NFI Articles and Experience

Titulka časopisu DIA spektrum 1/2020 s článkom NFi protokol. otázky a odpovede
DIA Spectrum (Issue 1/2020) / pp. 9-10
Headline of Diabetik magazine 01-02/2020, which published an article about Mr. Heriban, who, thanks to the NFI protocol, got rid of his diabetes medication, reduced his weight by 21 kg, and adjusted his blood pressure and fat values.
Diabetik (January – February 2020) / p.: 38-39
The headline of the daily Pravda dated 4.12.2020 refers to the published article The project "Diabetic Plate" improves the quality of life. The story of a diabetic woman on the NFI protocol.
Truth (04.12.2020 07:58)
The headline of the daily newspaper Pravda from 30.1.2020 as a link to an article about the NFI protocol, which was published in it under the title Can diabetes be beaten with food?
Truth (30.01.2020 06:00)
The headline of the daily Pravda from 29.1.2020 with the special magazine DOBRÉ ZDRAVIE, in which an article about the NFI protocol was published on pages 4-7, entitled Diabetics on the NFI protocol have already lost over a thousand kilos.
Pravda – Good Health (29 January 2020) / p.: 4-7

Year 2019 – NFIs started to be written

The headline of the daily Pravda from 27.11.2019 with the special magazine DOBRÉ ZDRAVIE, in which an article about the NFI protocol was published on pages 8-9, entitled Will the NFI protocol cure diabetes?
Pravda – Good Health (27 November 2019) / p.: 8-9
The headline of the DIA Spectrum 2/2019 magazine as a link to the article about NFI which was published in it on pages 8-9 under the title The story of my patient Peter.
DIA Spectrum (Issue 2/2019) / pp. 8-9
The NFI has been covered in many media outlets. An article was published in Diabetic magazine 11- 12/2019 titled A plan that can lower both glycemia and medication.
Diabetik (November – December 2019) / p.: 20-21
The cover story of the September-October 2019 issue of Diabetic. In an article titled Alternative Eating Plan for Diabetics, it wrote about the NFI protocol on pages 56-57.
Diabetik (September – October 2019) / pp.: 56-57
Headline of Diabetik magazine July - August 2019. On page 5, an article about the NFI protocol was published, entitled Diabetes Days, a new development in the treatment of NFI-diabetes.
Diabetik (July – August 2019) / page 5
Diabetes Days, a new innovation in the treatment of diabetes NFI-diet

— Prečo NFI? —

Citát od Hippokrata na hlavnej stránke NFI protokolu "Nech jedlo je vaším liekom a liek je vaším jedlom".

Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.

Pred a po NFI

Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.
Miroslav Z. pred a po NFI protokole - príbeh hudobníka, ktorý sa vďaka NFI protokolu zbavil diabetologickej liečby.
Ako NFI protokol pomohol Miroslavovi Z. zbaviť sa liečby diabetu 2. typu
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole