Since 2018, we have been successfully cooperating with the National Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetology in Ľubochňa.
Regularly, once a week, we organize lectures on the NFI protocol in the education room on the ground floor (diabetes building). Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. you can meet the co-author of the NFI protocol Mgr. Zuzana Pleva, who will introduce you to the NFI protocol. She will explain the principle of its functioning, how it is possible to achieve stabilization of type 2 through individualized diets, with the possibility of reduction or even cessation of antidiabetic treatment. Also how the NFI protocol helps with weight reduction itself and what are its associated health benefits. You will learn how long to follow the NFI protocol, the main principles of its use as well as how to go about ordering the NFI protocol. After the lecture there is space for discussion, your questions or individual consultation.
In NEDU Ľubochňa you can also try the NFI protocol catering. Hospitalized patients have the opportunity to sign up for the NFI protocol meals directly in the canteen.
You can read more about the collaboration with the National Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetology by clicking on the links below.
You will learn how the mutual cooperation with NEDU started, how the first joint lunch with the first patients took place and what concrete results were achieved by following the NFI protocol. You can watch video interviews with patients where they share their experiences with the NFI protocol. There is also a short video in which the Chief of the Diabetes Department, Doc. Emil Martinka, M.D., PhD. explains the importance of a plant-based diet in the treatment of diabetes and how the NFI protocol has helped NEDU patients with improved diabetes compensation, weight reduction and correction of blood pressure and lipid values. We will also introduce you to the weekly NFI menu in the NEDU Ľubochňa canteen.