What you can read on our website

In this section we bring you articles about the NFI Protocol published in various media. In addition to links to articles published in journals and trade publications, here you will also find television reports and recordings of interviews about the NFI Protocol that have been broadcast on radio journalism programmes.

Gradually, we will also publish NFI patient stories. Of course, we respect the privacy of our clients, so these will only be the stories of those who want to share their story publicly. Our team has begun working diligently and we are contacting back patients who have completed the NFI protocol. Every patient who has been on the NFI protocol for more than 12 weeks is a walking demonstration that diet can significantly improve health. Weight loss is only an associated benefit in the case of the NFI protocol.

Much has also been written about the NFI protocol in various periodicals, both for the lay and scientific public. We bring you an overview of the publications with links to the journal archives where you can still read these articles.

Stories of people who have completed the NFI protocol

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Healthy Lifestyle Blog

No results found.

NFI protocol in the media

Read articles on the NFI Protocol published by various media outlets.

TV and radio

Listen to and watch programmes and interviews about the NFI Protocol published on TV and radio.

Screenshot from the video report broadcasted in TV Markíza's Teleráno programme, in which MUDr. Lejavová talks about the functioning, goals and results of the NFI protocol, as well as the symptoms of diabetes 2. type.
Screenshot from RTVS news with a link to the video report about diabetologist MUDr. Janka Lejavova and biochemist Mgr. Zuzka Pleva, a fellow NFI protocol student who treats diabetes 2. type of diet.
Screenshot for a link to the video Pravda TV, where diabetologist MUDr. Janka Lejavova and patient Janka Brezinova talk about their experience with the NFI protocol.

Professional publications

You can also read about the NFI protocol in scientific articles, case reports and pilot studies.

— Prečo NFI? —

Citát od Hippokrata na hlavnej stránke NFI protokolu "Nech jedlo je vaším liekom a liek je vaším jedlom".

Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.

Pred a po NFI

Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.
Miroslav Z. pred a po NFI protokole - príbeh hudobníka, ktorý sa vďaka NFI protokolu zbavil diabetologickej liečby.
Ako NFI protokol pomohol Miroslavovi Z. zbaviť sa liečby diabetu 2. typu
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole