Billing and mailing address:
NFI, s.r.o.
Poliklinika Lipt. Mikuláš
Jánošíkovo nábrežie 1212/2
Liptovský Mikuláš
031 01
Company details:
IČO: 52 640 019 DIČ: 2121100267 IČ DPH: SK2121100267 IBAN: SK80 1100 0000 0029 4607 6371 (Tatra banka a.s.)
You can contact us in writing or by email. We work online in the form of a home office. For our clients following the NFI protocol we have set up telephone support.
Telephone consultations in Slovak
Telephone support is mainly for clients who follow their individualized NFI protocol. You can also find our contact phone number on your NFI protocol invoice.
For general information on how the NFI protocol works, please read our website first.
+421 919 201 133
Email contact to the NFI team
We answer emails on weekdays, always between 8:00 and 12:00. We will reply to your email sent after 12:00 the next working day.