
If you browse through our website, you must be aware of the value your health has for you. It’s something we don’t easily get back once we lose it.

We specifically designed the NFI protocol to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes. It also has the beneficial side effect of improving blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol as it targets the fats/lipids in the body (mainly in the abdominal area) and continuously breaks them down. Another important benefit of the NFI protocol is significant weight loss. If you follow exactly the NFI diet plan that we prepare directly for you, you will see the first results in the first week. Read the complete information about the NFI protocol.

In order for the plans to be maximally effective, they need to be recalculated every two weeks due to significant weight loss (and, in the case of diabetics, a drop in glycaemia). Therefore, only after the end of the tenth day (ideally after the end of the twelfth day), when you send us your current weight, you can buy the NFI diet plan for the next two weeks.

You can register on our website free of charge. Simply create your personal account, fill in the form with the information we need to prepare your personal NFI report. You will then be able to purchase, at the price below, your NFI meal plan for the first two weeks. We will send you the NFI protocol within 24 hours (during working days) after receiving your payment to the email you provided during registration in PDF format.

The cost of each 2-week NFI protocol is:

33 € incl. VAT

(without VAT: 27,50 €)

Please note: Please make payment after you have registered and completed the entry form.

We cannot develop an NFI protocol for:
– people under the age of 18
– pregnant and breastfeeding women
– patients taking VARFARIN or ORFARIN

You can make the payment directly by transfer to our account at Tatra banka:

Názov spoločnosti: NFI, s.r.o.
Tatra Banka a.s., Liptovský Mikuláš
Číslo účtu: 2946076371/1100
IBAN: SK80 1100 0000 0029 4607 6371
Správa pre prijímateľa: celé meno, pod ktorým ste vyplnili formulár na našej stránke, prípadne Vaša e-mailová adresa, pod ktorou ste sa zaregistrovali.

NFI protocol in PDF format will be sent to you within 24 hours (during working days) after receiving your payment to the e-mail you entered during registration.

The NFI team wishes you every success on your journey to your dream weight and healthy lifestyle.

Quantity discounts

Whether you have decided to follow the NFI protocol because you are overweight or to improve your health (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides…), you should follow it for at least 12 weeks. Therefore, instead of individual protocols, we recommend that you purchase one of the following, more cost-effective packages:

ZL6 – 6-week NFI protocol for 90 € (saving 9 €)
ZL8 – 8-week NFI protocol for 117 € (saving 15 €)
ZL10 – 10-week NFI protocol for 142 € (saving 23 €)
ZL12 – 12-week NFI protocol for 165 € (saving 33 €)

When purchasing a quantity package, payment is NOT refundable.
In case of interruption (vacation, family celebration, illness, surgery …), please refer to the section How to follow the NFI protocol.

The NFI protocol can be developed for a maximum of two weeks. You must contact us by email( on the 12th day with your current weight and, in the case of diabetics, your blood glucose. We will send you the next NFI protocol within 24 hours after receiving your new data.

How to apply the quantity discount:

Please register first and complete the entry form in your NFI account. When completing the form, please enter the relevant discount code in the “Where did you hear about us” field.

How to claim a quantity discount

We process discounts manually through our accounting department. The invoice with the discount will be sent to you within 24 hours on working days. Your first 2-week NFI report will be sent to you as soon as payment is received.

If you are sure that you do not have food allergies or treatment incompatible with the NFI protocol, you can transfer the discounted amount directly to our account in Tatra banka (payment details can be found above) and we will send you an invoice with the first NFI protocol within 24 hours of receiving payment within working days.

Left “My story”

We would like to bring as many stories of clients who have followed the NFI protocol as possible to our site. We hope that they will serve as inspiration for people who are still deciding on the NFI protocol, as well as for doctors and young medics who have not yet had experience with the NFI protocol. We therefore try to write the stories in a way that will benefit both the lay and professional community. You can read all the stories that our clients have shared with us so far and agreed to publish in the Read – Client Stories section.

Details of this discount can be found on our page – Discount – “My Story”.

— Prečo NFI? —

Citát od Hippokrata na hlavnej stránke NFI protokolu "Nech jedlo je vaším liekom a liek je vaším jedlom".

Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.

Pred a po NFI

Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.
Miroslav Z. pred a po NFI protokole - príbeh hudobníka, ktorý sa vďaka NFI protokolu zbavil diabetologickej liečby.
Ako NFI protokol pomohol Miroslavovi Z. zbaviť sa liečby diabetu 2. typu
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole