
We have prepared soup recipes for you during the NFI protocol and those that we recommend you include in your diet after the protocol.

We prepare all our recipes with the NFI principles in mind. This means that they contain only plant-based foods and we use oils either in minimal amounts (1/4 teaspoon per 4 servings) or replace them with higher fat foods such as: avocado, nuts, seeds or olives.

Soups during NFI protocol

The essence of the NFI protocol is the combination of foods of plant origin based on their chemical composition. This combination results in chemical reactions of lipolysis (fat breakdown) during the natural digestive process. Therefore, recipes on the NFI protocol have only a few ingredients that we need to achieve the desired chemical reaction. However, for most of these recipes, we also provide an extended alternative that we recommend using after the NFI protocol is complete.

While following the NFI protocol, please strictly adhere to the ingredients listed on your personal meal plan. The ingredients in the following soup recipes are general and may differ slightly from those on your personal NFI protocol.

Recipes for soups after completion of the NFI protocol

To maintain the long-term result you have achieved while following the NFI protocol, we recommend in soup recipes:

  1. Exclude raw materials of animal origin (mainly milk, butter and cream)
  2. Do not use flour to thicken soups.
  3. Exclude the use of oils.

How to thicken soups: The ideal thickener for soups is blended vegetables such as potatoes, beans, or even cauliflower or celery. For a creamier consistency, more like milk or cream, you can use a cream made from blended cashews (soak the cashews for at least 4 hours, then drain the water and wash the cashews in clean water before blending). The typical flour roux in cream soup helps keep it combined. Soups based on blended vegetables require mixing well before serving. However, this minor drawback is a small thing compared to the nutritional benefits of soups thickened in this way.

How to caramelize onions without oil: Be aware that using 2 tbsp of oil to fry onions will add about 180 calories, which will most likely contribute to your slow weight gain. Therefore, do not use oils in soup recipes after the NFI protocol.

For most sugars (e.g. sucrose and fructose), caramelisation occurs at or just above 160 °C. At this temperature, the sugars decompose and change from a simple sweet taste to nutty, earthy and otherwise more complex flavours. It is therefore important to achieve the correct temperature for the pot used. If you do not heat the pot sufficiently before adding the onions, the onions are likely to stick. If you heat it too much, the onions will turn black.

Drop test with water – Heat a pot containing metal in the bottom over a medium flame. Test for the correct temperature by dropping a large drop of water into the pot every 5-8 seconds. At first the water forms small bubbles until it starts to bubble violently and forms steam. Then suddenly it starts to sputter and circulate around the pan like little globules of mercury. The correct temperature of the pan is when one large circulating globule is formed and only a few small ones. If the large sphere breaks up into many small spheres, the pan is too hot and needs to be cooled.

When the pot reaches the correct temperature, wipe the test ball of water with a napkin, as caramelization will not occur in a humid environment. Add the chopped onion and stir well. A desirable brownish coating will begin to form on the bottom of the pot. Keep stirring until you reach the desired colour. At this point, add the garlic, if included in the recipe. Stir for just a few seconds and immediately add boiling water or vegetable broth in the amount as if you were roasting on water only. Continue stirring until the onions are glassy.

How to add healthy fats to soup: Adding foods with fats in soups towards the end of cooking or when serving. You can use your creativity in soup recipes, but here are some general tips:

  • Sesame seeds: suitable for Asian soups or even clear vegetable soups.
  • Pumpkin seeds or kernels: suitable for pumpkin soup or cream soups where their colour stands out.
  • Chopped nuts: typically walnuts or pistachios are used. Just sprinkle them on top of the cream soups when serving.
  • Sunflower seeds: you can dry roast them in a frying pan until they take on colour and use them as a garnish when serving. They can be soaked for a couple of hours and then blended for a creamier soup consistency
  • Cashew nuts: use blended instead of creamed. Always soak them for at least 4 hours before using, discard the water in which they were soaked, wash them with clean water and add them to the blender.
  • Canned coconut milk: used for thickening or as a garnish instead of cream and yoghurt.

All of our recommendations for post-NFI protocol meals can be found here. Continue your healthy lifestyle and try our soup recipes after completing the NFI protocol.


— Prečo NFI? —

Citát od Hippokrata na hlavnej stránke NFI protokolu "Nech jedlo je vaším liekom a liek je vaším jedlom".

Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.

Pred a po NFI

Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.
Miroslav Z. pred a po NFI protokole - príbeh hudobníka, ktorý sa vďaka NFI protokolu zbavil diabetologickej liečby.
Ako NFI protokol pomohol Miroslavovi Z. zbaviť sa liečby diabetu 2. typu
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Diabetička Mária Sikorová
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Janka Brezinová - NEDU Ľubochňa
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Peter P. (Prvý NFI pacient)
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole
Marta Matisová pred a po NFI protokole