On the NFI Protocol, we use red kidney beans, white beans, and black beans. All of these are available in cans, allowing you to avoid lengthy cooking times. However, if you have the time, opt for dried beans instead. You can find black beans in health food shops. If you cannot source them, substitute with red kidney beans.
![Three piles of beans: one with white beans, another with red beans, and the third with black beans. They are all part of the NFI Protocol, a personalised dietary plan that supports individuals with Type 2 diabetes in achieving remission and reducing their treatment needs.](https://www.nfiprotocol.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/fazule.jpg)
Už Hippocrates, otec medicíny, pred naším letopočtom vedel že strava ktorú konzumujeme môže naše ochorenia spôsobiť, ale ich aj vyliečiť. NFI protokol je toho priamym dôkazom. Vyskúšajte aspoň dva týždne. Vaše telo Vám bude za to vďačné.
Pred a po NFI
Prečítajte si inšpiratívne príbehy ľudí, ktorí absolvovali NFI protokol a výrazne zlepšili svoje zdravie a kvalitu života.